
Bulk Regulations for Residential Uses in M1-1D Through M1-5D Districts

The following regulations shall apply to any development or enlargement authorized pursuant to Section 42-321 (Residential uses in M1-1D through M1-5D Districts):

(a)        The total amount of residential floor area permitted on any zoning lot shall not exceed a floor area ratio of 1.65.

On zoning lots containing both residential use and community facility, manufacturing or commercial use, the maximum floor area shall be the maximum floor area permitted for either the commercial or manufacturing use as set forth in Sections 43-12 (Maximum Floor Area Ratio) through 43-14 (Floor Area Bonus for Arcades), or the community facility use as set forth in Section 43-122 (Maximum floor area ratio for community facilities), or the residential use as set forth in this Section, whichever permits the greatest amount of floor area.

On zoning lots containing both residential use and manufacturing or commercial use, the total floor area used for manufacturing or commercial use shall not exceed the amount permitted by Sections 43-12 through 43-14.

(b)        The maximum number of dwelling units shall equal the total residential floor area provided on the zoning lot divided by 675. Fractions equal to or greater than three quarters resulting from this calculation shall be considered to be one dwelling unit.

(c)        The maximum building height above curb level shall be 32 feet.

(d)        No such development or enlargement shall be permitted within 30 feet of the rear lot line.

(e)        The maximum distance from the street line to the street wall of such development shall be ten feet, unless modified by the City Planning Commission pursuant to Section 44-28 (Parking Regulations for Residential Uses in M1-1D Through M1-5D Districts).

(f)        No side yards shall be required. However, if any open area extending along a side lot line is provided at any level it shall have a width of not less than eight feet. However, enlargements of single-family or two-family residences existing as of June 20, 1988, shall be exempt from this requirement, provided such enlarged building does not exceed a height of two stories.
