
Street Tree Planting in Manufacturing Districts

M1 M2 M3

In all districts, as indicated, all developments, or enlargements of 20 percent or more in floor area, excluding developments or enlargements in Use Groups IV(B), IX(B) or X, shall provide street trees in accordance with Section 26-41 (Street Tree Planting). In addition, any building where 20 percent or more of the floor area is converted from a manufacturing use to a commercial or community facility use shall provide street trees in accordance with Section 26-41. The street frontage used to calculate the number of required trees may exclude the street frontage occupied by curb cuts serving:

From Use Group VI

Automotive repair and maintenance#

Automotive service stations#

Industrial drycleaning and laundry services

From Use Group IX

All uses listed under Use Group IX(A) and IX(C).
