
Accessory Off-Street Parking Spaces in Public Garages

C1 C2 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

In the districts indicated, permitted or required accessory off-street parking spaces may be provided in a permitted public parking garage, but only on the same zoning lot as the building or use to which such spaces are accessory and subject to all the other applicable regulations of this Chapter.

Such accessory off-street parking spaces shall be included with all other spaces in such public parking garage for the purpose of applying any regulations in this Resolution relating to the number of spaces in such public parking garage.

The computation of floor area for such public parking garage shall be in accordance with the definition of floor area as set forth in Section 12-10 (DEFINITIONS), except as otherwise specifically authorized in accordance with the provisions of Sections 73-67 (Additional Floor Space for Public Parking Garages), 74-193 (Public parking garages or public parking lots outside high density areas) or 74-194 (Public parking garages or public parking lots inside high density areas).
