

Sections 14-40 through 14-45 identify those locations where specific area eligibility regulations apply.

For the purposes of Sections 14-40 through 14-45, the length of a street shall run the full block to the nearest intersections with cross streets, unless otherwise stated.

Areas bounded by streets shall include both sides of such streets and shall be subject to the regulations of this Chapter pertaining to such areas. When a street forms the boundary of a special district, however, only that side of the street located within the special district shall be subject to the regulations pertaining to the special district.

Sidewalk cafes shall only be allowed to locate along the length of a street or within the area bounded by streets, as set forth in Sections 14-40 through 14-45, where the applicable use regulations of the district allow eating and drinking establishments, either as-of-right, by certification or by authorization or special permit.
