
Modifications for Community Facility Uses

On a zoning lot occupied by any of the community facility uses specified in this Section, and in all districts where such uses are permitted as-of-right or by special permit, the Board of Standards and Appeals may permit developments or enlargements for such uses, which do not comply with certain applicable district bulk regulations, in accordance with the provisions of this Section.

Such specified community facility uses include the following uses listed under Use Group III:

College or school student dormitories or fraternity and sorority student houses

Colleges or universities, including professional schools, but excluding business colleges or trade schools

Community centers

Houses of worship, rectories, parish houses or seminaries

Libraries, museums or non-commercial art galleries

Monasteries, convents or novitiates

Non-profit hospital staff dwellings

Non-profit or voluntary hospitals and related facilities

Philanthropic or non-profit institutions with or without sleeping accommodations, excluding ambulatory diagnostic or treatment health care facilities listed in Use Group III(B)

