

Subject to the general findings required by Section 73-03 and in accordance with the provisions contained in Sections 73-10 to 73-20, inclusive, the Board of Standards and Appeals shall have the power to permit special permit uses, and shall have the power to impose appropriate conditions and safeguards thereon.

In the Special Midtown District, the powers of the Board to permit special permit uses are modified by the provisions of Sections 81-13 (Special Permit Use Modifications) and 81-061 (Applicability of Chapter 3 of Article VII).

Except as permitted pursuant to this Chapter, in R3, R4 or R5 Districts, the following uses shall be subject to the height and setback requirements of an R2 District:

From Use Group V

Overnight camps

From Use Group IV

Public utility or public service facilities

Radio and television towers, non-accessory

From Use Group VIII

Outdoor day camps

Riding academies or stables.
