
Site planning criteria for cross access connections

Every potential cross access connection meeting the criteria of this Section shall be shown on the site plan required pursuant to Section 36-58 (Parking Lot Maneuverability and Curb Cut Regulations).

(a)        The connection shall be a minimum of 22 feet in width as measured along a lot line or boundary between separate properties when located on the same zoning lot, and at least 23 feet from any street line.

(b)        The connection shall be an extension of a travel lane of the subject open parking lot and align to the maximum extent practicable with a travel lane on any adjacent open parking lot.

(c)        The connection shall have a grade not greater than 15 percent.

(d)        The connection shall be placed in an area that is not blocked by an existing building or other structure that is within 50 feet of the lot line or other boundary of the subject property.

(e)        The connection shall be placed in an area that will not require the removal of significant natural features such as wetlands or trees with a caliper of six inches or more, on the same or adjacent zoning lots.

No screening or landscaping along a lot line shall be required in the connection area.
