
Midblock Open Areas

Midblock Open Areas shall be provided as shown on Map 7 (Mandatory Open Areas) in Appendix A of this Chapter. However, no Midblock Open Area is required on any block that is not developed as a single zoning lot. The Midblock Open Areas shall have a minimum width of 50 feet clear and open to the sky.

All Midblock Open Areas shall have a minimum clear path of 15 feet and shall be improved as paved surfaces of a non-skid material, whether wet or dry. A minimum of 20 percent and a maximum of 50 percent of each Midblock Open Area shall be improved with landscape treatment, including planting and other amenities. No fences shall be permitted. No walls or planters shall be higher than two feet above the finished level of the nearest adjoining sidewalk.

The full width of each Midblock Open Area shall be improved and open to the public prior to applying for and receiving a temporary certificate of occupancy for any development adjacent to such area. However, up to 10 feet of the width of a Midblock Open Area may be temporarily enclosed within a construction fence for the shortest period of time reasonably necessary to permit construction in the adjacent area.

For buildings adjacent to the Midblock Open Areas, other than a building located on Parcel E2 as shown on Map 5 (Parcel Designation and Maximum Building Heights) in Appendix A of this Chapter, building walls fronting on such Midblock Open Areas shall be transparent for at least 50 percent of the area of each such wall, measured from the finished level of the adjacent pavement to the height of the ceiling of the second story.
