
Floor area regulations in M2 or M3 Districts with an A suffix

In M2 and M3 Districts with an A suffix, the maximum floor area ratio for qualifying uses, and for all other all permitted uses shall be as set forth in the respective columns of the following tables.

Districts Maximum permitted floor area ratio for qualifying uses Maximum permitted floor area ratio for other uses
M2-1A 2.00 1.00
M2-2A 3.00 2.00
M2-3A 4.00 3.00
M2-4A 5.00 4.00

On a zoning lot greater than or equal to 5,000 square feet in lot area, where the floor area ratio exceeds that permitted for other uses, at least 50 percent of the floor area on the ground floor level shall be allocated to qualifying uses and provided with access to any required accessory off-street loading berths. The ground floor level shall refer to a building’s lowest story where the level of the finished floor is located within five feet of the adjoining sidewalk. 

Districts Maximum permitted floor area ratio for qualifying uses Maximum permitted floor area ratio for other uses
M3-1A 2.00 1.00 or 10,000 square feet of floor area, whichever is less
M3-2A 3.00 1.00 or 10,000 square feet of floor area, whichever is less