
Maximum Floor Area Ratio

M1 M2 M3

In all districts, as indicated, for any zoning lot, the maximum floor area ratio shall not exceed the floor area ratio set forth in the following table, except as otherwise provided in the following Sections:

Section 43-121        (Expansion of existing manufacturing buildings)

Section 43-122        (Maximum floor area ratio for community facilities)

Section 43-13        (Floor Area in Manufacturing Districts With an A Suffix)

Section 43-14        (Floor Area Bonus for Public Plazas and Arcades)

Section 43-15        (Existing Public Amenities for which Floor Area Bonuses Have Been Received)

Section 43-16        (Special Provisions for Zoning Lots Divided by District Boundaries)

Section 43-61        (Bulk Regulations for Residential Uses in M1-1D Through M1-5D Districts)

Section 43-62        (Bulk Regulations in M1-6D Districts)

Any given lot area shall be counted only once in determining the floor area ratio.


Maximum Permitted Floor Area Ratio



M1-2* M1-4 M2-1 M2-3 M3


M1-3 M1-5 M2-2 M2-4




*   In Community District 1, in the Borough of Queens, in the M1-2 District bounded by a line 100 feet southwesterly of 37th Avenue, a line 100 feet southeasterly of 24th Street, a line 100 feet southwesterly of 39th Avenue, 24th Street, and a line 100 feet northeasterly of 40th Avenue, 23rd Street, 39th Avenue and 24th Street, the maximum floor area ratio shall be increased to 4.0 provided that such additional floor area is limited to referenced commercial and manufacturing uses

For zoning lots containing both community facility use and manufacturing or commercial use, the total floor area used for manufacturing or commercial use shall not exceed the amount permitted in the table in this Section or by the bonus provisions in Sections 43-13 or 43-14.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Resolution, the maximum floor area ratio in an M1-6 District shall not exceed 12.0.
