
Recordation and notice requirements

An easement through all required cross access connections for vehicular passage between and among adjacent parking lots, in a form acceptable to the Department of City Planning, shall be recorded in the Office of the Richmond County Clerk. An easement so recorded shall not become effective unless and until a corresponding easement has been recorded against an adjacent property, whether on the same or adjacent zoning lot, pursuant to this Section. Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the ability of a property owner or lessee to prohibit parking by non- customers.

If an easement pursuant to this Section has previously been recorded against any adjacent property, the owner of the subject property shall notify the owner of the adjacent property of the easement location selected by sending such owner a copy of the recorded easement. Proof of notification shall be a condition of certification under this Section. Prior to issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy or permit sign-off, as applicable, the subject property owner shall further notify the adjacent property owner that the cross access connection must be constructed on the adjacent property within six months of the date of such notice. No temporary certificate of occupancy for any development, enlargement or increase in the number of parking spaces on the subject property, or permit sign-off, if applicable, shall be issued until the applicant has demonstrated to the Department of Buildings that such owner of the adjacent property has been duly notified. Failure to provide the cross access connection in accordance with the requirements of this Section and to allow for vehicular passage between and among the adjacent parking lots within six months of the date of the notice shall constitute a violation of this Zoning Resolution by the adjacent property owner. Failure to provide the cross access connection in accordance with the requirements of this Section and to allow for vehicular passage between and among the adjacent parking lots at the time of the aforementioned temporary certificate of occupancy or permit sign-off, if applicable, shall constitute a violation of this Zoning Resolution by the owner of the subject property.
