
Parking Regulations for Residential Uses in M1-1D Through M1-5D Districts

In M1-1D, M1-2D, M1-3D, M1-4D and M1-5D Districts, the regulations of this Section shall apply to residential uses authorized pursuant to Section 42-321 (Residential uses in M1-1D through M1-5D Districts).

(a)        In M1-1D Districts, for any new residence authorized pursuant to Section 42-47, one accessory parking space shall be provided for each dwelling unit. The Commission may reduce this requirement if the Commission determines that there is sufficient on-street parking space available to meet the needs of the new residence.

Access to such required accessory parking shall be designed so as to minimize any adverse effect upon the availability of on-street parking and loading for conforming manufacturing and commercial
uses. If necessary, in order to implement this requirement, the Commission may modify the 10 foot maximum setback requirement of paragraph (e) of Section 43-61 (Bulk Regulations for Residential Uses in M1-1D Through M1-5D Districts).

(b)        In M1-2D, Ml-3D, M1-4D and M1-5D Districts, accessory parking shall not be permitted, except when authorized by the City Planning Commission.

The Commission may authorize accessory parking provided:

(1)        the zoning lot extends 40 feet or more along the street line;

(2)        the curb cut extends no more than 15 feet along the street line and provides access to a group parking facility of five or more accessory off-street parking spaces; and

(3)        the Commission determines that such curb cut will not adversely affect the availability of on-street parking and loading for conforming manufacturing and commercial uses.
